
When you don't exist

"When you don't exist is Amnesty International's campaign for the human rights of migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers in Europe and at its borders.

People move to Europe for different reasons. Some flee persecution or war. Others leave because of chronic poverty. They hope to find a safer, better future in Europe. But too often they find a different reality.

Europe is failing migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers. Negative attitudes to asylum-seekers and migrants are widespread. European countries are stepping up measures to control migration. This can cause serious human rights violations. People on the move have their rights violated, often out of the public eye. They are effectively made invisible."

(text from Amnesty International's youtube channel)

What if we were them? What if tomorrow morning we had to walk till we get to India, instead of just be stuck in traffic? With the current situation in Greece maybe that kind of reality isn't far off. Exaggeration? Or just the near future?

Anyhow, the video below is heartbreaking, really worth watching. Brings me tears every single time.